Supporting Greek Language

Education & Culture

You Can Help Preserve Greek Language and Culture

We bring much needed support to Greek Schools in the Chicago-Area, providing unique opportunities to carry on our language and culture

As a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization, the Chicago Greektown Educational Foundation’s mission is to support Greek language educational and cultural initiatives through the introduction of technology to enhance the learning experience for Greek American youth.

  • Grants for Greek Schools
  • Scholarships for Students
  • Technology for the Classroom
  • Classroom Tools & Supplies
  • Greek Language Education
  • Celebrating Greek Culture
Total Donations
Computers Donated
Scholarships Granted
Years of Experience

In Memory of Leo LOUCHIOS


Contribute to the Chicago Greektown Educational Foundation in Memory of Leo Louchios

Past Events

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Our Partners

Proud Partner of Greektown Chicago SSA#16

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